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周囲の環境を織りなす 光・空気・風景 の各要素に改めて焦点を当て、常に再構築を続ける「FOCUS」



2018年のミラノサローネサテリテで沖津雄司がFOCUSのオリジナルをインテリアオブジェとして発表。その後、フランスの照明ブランド DCW éditions PARISとコラボレーションすることで2022年に製品化が実現しました。DCW éditions PARIS は 近代建築の父 ル・コルビジェ が自身のオフィスで愛用するだけでなく、自身が手がけた世界中のプロジェクトでも採用するほど魅了された照明を復刻する権利を獲得して設立したブランドです。その後も建築家がデザインした過去の名作を復刻、製品化するだけでなく、フランス現代建築を代表する建築家の1人、ドミニク・ペローなどとのコラボレーションで革新的な照明器具を製作するなど躍進を続けています。沖津雄司は DCW éditions PARIS がコラボレーションした日本人・アジア人初の建築家です。



Designed by YUJI OKITSU

Presented by DCW éditions PARIS

By re-focusing on the elements of light, air and scenery that create the ambient environment, FOCUS continually recomposes. A number of flat and lightweight lenses are hung from the ceiling like mobiles. They capture, collect, and diffuse natural light from windows and ambient light in the interior space in all directions and angles. After dark or when ambient light is too weak, lighting devices embedded around the edges of the lenses illuminate the framed scenery, and affordance effects generated by light direct viewers' attention towards another scenery beyond the lenses. The objects are created in response to their surroundings, in the same way that architecture is designed relative to its environment. And while the function and stability of electricity is important in lighting, it gives people scenery as an object with the concept of natural light and air flow. FOCUS is not limited to the fields of architecture, design and art, continually creating unique sceneries in space.


In 2018, Yuji Okitsu presented the FOCUS original as an interior object at the Milano Salone Satellite. Afterwards, in collaboration with the French lighting brand DCW éditions PARIS, it was productised in 2022. DCW éditions PARIS was founded after modern architect Le Corbusier won the rights to reproduce the lighting that fascinated him enough to not only use it in his own office, but also in his own projects around the world. Since then, the company has been reproducing and commercializing past masterpieces designed by architects. In addition, the collection has collaborated with some of the most important architects in modern French architecture, such as Dominique Perrault, to create new and innovative lighting products. Yuji Okitsu is the first Asian / Japanese architect to be collaborated with by DCW éditions PARIS.



Designed by YUJI OKITSU

Presented by DCW éditions PARIS

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Product info

Product FOCUS 5

Size W1610mm × H1310mm

Lens φ365mm(3) φ285mm(2)

Code 3000mm(Max)

Weight 4.2kg

Color White, Black

Material Aluminum, Acrylic


​¥540,000 (税別)

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Product info

Product FOCUS 3

Size W1000mm × H1040mm

Lens φ365mm(2) φ285mm(1)

Code 3000mm(Max)

Weight 3.3kg

Color White, Black

Material Aluminum, Acrylic


​¥360,000 (税別)


沖津 雄司

1983年生まれ。2009年 東京電機大学大学院修士課程(建築学)を修了後、建築家
中村竜治に師事。2017年 一級建築士事務所である YUJI OKITSU を主宰。建築・

Yuji Okitsu

Born in 1983. After completing the master's course in architecture at Tokyo Denki University in 2009, he studied under architect Ryuji Nakamura. Established YUJI OKITSU in 2017. He designs and makes architecture, as well as furniture, art, and more with his unique and delicate sensibilities. All of his designed works are characterized by a focus on phenomena and environments that touch the heartstrings hidden in our daily lives and affect the space. While installing artworks in the VIP rooms of LEXUS showrooms and creating permanent installation art at the entrances to new head office building of a company, exhibiting at the Milano Salone Satellite and collaborating with overseas manufacturers to create products that are available worldwide, his projects are being developed both domestic and overseas.

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